Tinned Seafood

Everything You Need to Know About Tinned Fish and Tinned Seafood

 August 14, 2023 5 Minute Read

What’s So Fin-tastic About Tinned Fish and Tinned Seafood?

Tinned fish may not be something people have always been excited about, but these days it seems to be a staple that people just can’t get enough of. While fresh is typically the best way to go, tinned fish has its own set of appealing qualities. For instance, tinned fish and tinned seafood are shelf-stable, affordable and convenient. Plus, those tiny cans are packed with flavor and nutrient-dense goodness. Check out what canned fish is, its benefits, uses and more. You might find that it’s quite the catch.

What is Tinned Seafood?

Tinned, or canned, seafood is ready-to-eat seafood packed in a variety of oils or water. It doesn’t need to be refrigerated and it has a very long shelf life. Most of us are familiar with canned tuna, and any canned fish can be enjoyed the same way- — straight from the can.

How fresh is it? It’s most likely just as fresh as the frozen or canned foods you already love. Preserved foods are often prepared at the peak of their freshness to ensure the quality of their taste. For canned fish, once the seafood is prepared by being de-boned, scaled and cut to size, it’s packed in oil or water and then pressure cooked the same way that canned food is.

What Are the Benefits of Tinned Seafood?

There are many benefits of tinned seafood, including health, budget and sustainability.


Is tinned fish as healthy as fresh fish? Almost. Because it’s a preserved food, it retains almost all of its original nutrients. Fish and most seafoods are great sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, protein and iron, and some fish even have vitamins D and B12.

The only aspect of tinned fish and seafoods you may want to be mindful of is sodium. Oil-packed fish, while it has more flavor and its own nutritional values, tends to have slightly more sodium than its water-packed counterparts.


As tinned seafood gains popularity, the price is rising. However, tinned fish is still an affordable option. It’s also a more convenient alternative for someone who wants a protein on-the-go for lunches, or only needs a single serving for dinners.

As seen on social media, tinned fish is also a great way to make sure your next party goes swimmingly. You’ll be saving money by staying in and swapping out your charcuterie board’s prosciutto for tinned mussels.


Many of the most popular seafoods are being overfished. So not only will it become harder to get your favorite fish, but overfishing can also cause a lot of issues in the ecosystem. For example, it can cause the overfished population to see a decrease in fish size and a change in how fast the fish mature and reproduce. It can erode the food web within their natural habitats as well. One of the ways we can combat this is by choosing sustainable brands of canned fish

A lot of tinned seafoods are small producers, and there are many eco-labels and certifications that tinned seafood producers can get for their brand. Here are some labels to look for when choosing your tinned fish.

  • Marine Stewardship Council Certification (MSC)
  • Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
  • Look for the words “pole- or troll-caught” since these are some of the most sustainable options for fishing.

What to Do With It

Tinned seafood is a versatile staple. There are a variety of exciting seafoods and flavors to try, and since most tinned fish come in smaller tins, you can easily explore and find your favorites. Here are just a few ways you can use canned fish.

  • Use tinned fish, especially tuna, cod or salmon, to make fish cakes.
  • Add some to a cheese or charcuterie board. Tinned seafood comes in a variety of flavored oils, and many people are choosing to add tinned muscles, oysters, octopus or sardines to boards.
  • Create a bowl with your favorite veggies, rice and tinned fish of your choice.
  • Use tinned salmon to make a sushi-inspired bowl with rice, avocado, mayo and Sriracha.
  • Tinned muscles or clams work well in pasta.
  • Create a spin on an avocado toast by adding anchovies or sardines to a thick toast with salsa.
  • Tuna salads are a staple for a reason, and there are always new ways to jazz up your go-to recipe.

So, the next time you’re looking for a flavorful, affordable, and convenient snack or meal, you can check out canned fish. With both health and ecological benefits, it’s a great way to switch up your usual protein routine.

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