Send Money

Transfer money quickly and reliably.
Send Money

Send Funds Wherever you are with Money Services

Send money quickly and reliably through our Money Services Desk. Whether online, in-store or using Stage & Pay, we simplify money transfers for you. Choose convenient options for your recipients, such as cash pick-up, bank deposit, mobile wallet, and ATM payout (these options vary by country).

Send Money Internationally

You can send money reliably to friends and family around the world from your local Money Services Desk. You can choose from 200+ countries and territories including: India, Philippines, Columbia, Brazil, Pakistan, Mexico, Nigeria, Canada, China, UK and Israel.

How to Send Money with Money Services

Find a Money Services Desk near you

Use our store locator to find your closest City Market Money Services Desk. With more than 2,000 locations available, a Money Services Desk is always conveniently accessible.

Find a Money Services Desk near you

Use our store locator to find your closest City Market Money Services Desk. With more than 2,000 locations available, a Money Services Desk is always conveniently accessible.

Choose Western Union or Ria

Both services available at our Money Services Desk.

Choose Western Union or Ria

Both services available at our Money Services Desk.

Bring your Identification

Bring your Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number and one of these forms of ID:

  • US-issued Passport
  • Foreign Passport
  • State-issued ID
  • Driver's License
  • Resident Alien ID
  • Military ID
  • Matricula Consular ID
  • Tribal Nation or Reservation ID

Bring your Identification

Bring your Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number and one of these forms of ID:

  • US-issued Passport
  • Foreign Passport
  • State-issued ID
  • Driver's License
  • Resident Alien ID
  • Military ID
  • Matricula Consular ID
  • Tribal Nation or Reservation ID

Provide receiver information

Bring your receiver’s name as it appears on their government-issued ID along with their city/province/state and country.

Provide receiver information

Bring your receiver’s name as it appears on their government-issued ID along with their city/province/state and country.

Select the way your receiver will get their money

Choose from cash pick-up, bank deposit, mobile wallet, and ATM payout (these options vary by country).

Select the way your receiver will get their money

Choose from cash pick-up, bank deposit, mobile wallet, and ATM payout (these options vary by country).

Pay the fee and transfer amount

You can pay with cash or a debit card to cover the fees and transfer amount.

Pay the fee and transfer amount

You can pay with cash or a debit card to cover the fees and transfer amount.

Send Money

  • If using Western Union: tell the recipient the 10-digit money transfer control number (MTCN) and the amount being sent. They will also need a photo ID to obtain the funds.
  • If using Ria: the recipient will need the PIN number and a valid photo ID to obtain the funds.

Send Money

  • If using Western Union: tell the recipient the 10-digit money transfer control number (MTCN) and the amount being sent. They will also need a photo ID to obtain the funds.
  • If using Ria: the recipient will need the PIN number and a valid photo ID to obtain the funds.

Ways to Send Money

Choose how your recipient gets the funds.

Sending Money with Western Union

  • Quickly & reliably send money to hundreds of thousands of agent locations in over 200 countries and territories worldwide
  • Gives your recipient flexibility and choice on how they receive their money: cash pickup, mobile wallet or even directly to their bank account
  • Send money your way – in-store or, stage the transaction on our mobile app and complete it by paying in one of our convenient store locations
  • Low fees and competitive exchange rates for your money transfer needs

Sending Money with Ria Money Transfer

  • Great exchange rates means your family and friends get more
  • Ria is a trusted brand with over 30 years of experience and over 1 billion money transfers safely sent worldwide
  • Take advantage of simple, low fees no matter where you send funds worldwide
  • Cash pick-up is available to over 200 countries and territories and hundred of thousands worldwide.

Ways to Pick Up Money

Choose how your recipient gets the funds. Options vary by receiving country.

Cash Pick-Up

Pick-up at over 580,00 locations worldwide.

Bank Deposit

Deposit into over 4 billion bank accounts across more than 120 countries.

Mobile Deposit

Deposit directly into your recipient's bank account.

Cash Pick-Up

Pick-up at over 580,00 locations worldwide.

Bank Deposit

Deposit into over 4 billion bank accounts across more than 120 countries.

Mobile Deposit

Deposit directly into your recipient's bank account.

Domestic Cash Payout

Over 54,000 US agent locations are available for coast-to-coast money transfers.

ATM Pay-Out

Arrange for your recipient to collect funds at a participating ATM. (Ria only).

Home Delivery

Schedule your money transfer for home delivery. (Ria only)

Domestic Cash Payout

Over 54,000 US agent locations are available for coast-to-coast money transfers.

ATM Pay-Out

Arrange for your recipient to collect funds at a participating ATM. (Ria only).

Home Delivery

Schedule your money transfer for home delivery. (Ria only)

Send Money FAQs

    Yes. The easiest way to track your money transfer is to sign up for SMS alerts. This way you’ll receive a text notification when your funds have been paid out – message and data rates may apply. You may also visit your local Money Services Desk to request a status update (Western Union – MTCN is required to track, Ria – order number or PIN is required).

    • If you’re transferring with Ria, you can track your money transfer using your order number or pin number. Just head to the website or download the Ria Money Transfer app. If you are using a prepaid phone, usage rates may apply.
    • If your payment is through Western Union, you can track your money transfer using your MTCN on their website or app too. If you are using a prepaid phone, usage rates may apply.

    Refunds depend on select circumstances, visit your local Money Services Desk to find out if your transaction may be refunded.

    Yes, there are certain reporting requirements as part of the Bank Secrecy Act. Money transfers over certain thresholds, whether a single or multiple money transfers, may require additional customer information in order to process the money transfer.

    The best way for you to send money will depend on how much you want to send, how quickly it needs to arrive, and how you want the funds to get there. Speak to our in-store team and they’ll be able to help you with your money transfer.

    • Western Union – (800) 325-6000
    • Ria – (844) 297-1287

Kroger engages in the money transmission business as an authorized delegate of Western Union Financial Services, Inc. under Chapter 151 of the Texas Finance Code. If you have a complaint, please contact Western Union Customer Service first at 1-800-325-6000. After contacting Western Union Financial Services, Inc. and if you still have an unresolved complaint regarding the company’s money transmission services, please contact the Texas Department of Banking at 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, TX 78705 – telephone number 1-877-276-5554 (toll free) or visit for more information.

Western Union makes money from currency exchange. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.

†Date available will be displayed on receipt for international transfers over $15. Service and funds availability depends on certain factors including the Service selected, the selection of delayed delivery options, special terms applicable to each Service, amount sent, destination country, currency availability, regulatory issues, consumer protection issues, identification requirements, delivery restrictions, agent location hours, and differences in time zones (collectively, “Restrictions”).

Fee reductions apply only to the Western Union® transfer fee for a single Western Union Money Transfer or Quick Collect transaction. Excludes all other services. Points used are only refundable within 90 days of transaction and if amount of transfer fee is less than redeemed discount, no cash, credit or refund will be provided. Western Union reserves the right to offer other promotional discounts that cannot be combined with Western Union Rewards fee reductions.

Services may be provided by Western Union Financial Services, Inc. NMLS# 906983 and/or Western Union International Services, LLC NMLS# 906985, which are licensed as Money Transmitters by the New York State Department of Financial Services. See terms and conditions for details.

The Western Union name, logo and related trademarks and service marks, owned by Western Union Holdings, Inc., are used with permission.

Ria is a registered trademark of Dandelion Payments, Inc. dba Ria Money Transfer, NMLS ID: 920968. Authorized to operate as a Money Transmitter in all United States’ jurisdictions where it conducts business; Licensed as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. ©2024 Dandelion Payments, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ria makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates, Fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates are subject to change without notice.

For Texas consumers: Ria is licensed under Chapter 151 of the Texas Finance Code. After contacting Ria, if you still have a complaint regarding the company’s money transmission services, please contact the Texas Department of Banking at 2601 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, TX 78705 – telephone number 1-877-276-5554 (toll free) or visit for more information.

For consumers in all other states: see full terms and conditions, including regulatory contact information, on your receipt.

Date available will be displayed on receipt for all transfers. Service and funds availability depends on certain factors including the amount sent, destination country, currency availability, fraud prevention measures, regulatory issues, consumer protection issues, identification requirements, delivery restrictions, agent location hours, and differences in time zones.