Florists in Grand Junction, Colorado

City Market has 4 florists in Grand Junction, CO. Order flowers for pickup by selecting a location below or use our flower delivery service to send a fresh bouquet to a loved one. If you prefer to shop in-store, our friendly florists are ready to help you create a perfect floral arrangement for any occasion!

12th Street Grand Junction

2600 N 12th St, Grand Junction, CO, 81501
(970) 628-7555
Pickup Available

24 Road Grand Junction

630 24 Rd, Grand Junction, CO, 81505
(970) 244-8100
Pickup Available


569 32 Rd, Grand Junction, CO, 81504
(970) 434-9603
Pickup Available

Orchard Mesa

2770 Highway 50, Grand Junction, CO, 81503
(970) 245-1411
Pickup Available